Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here we go!

So I make tutus. I started making tutus because I wanted Kitty, my February '07 baby, to have something special to wear for her first birthday. I started looking online and in all of the local shops here in my neighborhood, and I found tutus everywhere. Most of them were either flimsy, or single color, or waaaaay over-priced. I knew I could do better, and so I set out to make her the perfect tutu. The result can be seen on the left. I was so pleased with it that I thought that other moms and dads (and aunts, uncles, and friends) might like customizable, affordable tutus for the little girls in their lives. And Nate and Cate Designs was born!

I'm pretty new at this, and I thought I'd start this blog to keep everyone up to date on the shop, and to document how this whole "Hey, let's open a business!" thing is working out for me!

1 comment:

Megglebot said...

Hello dear! I am soooo proud of you and thought you should know that I am the biggest Esty fan in the world....I am constantly shopping for ideas and gifts on it. As soon as I settle my life down and pop out some lil ones, it's tutu's for everyone!!! lots of love. Megan Storti