Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time for Reboot!

I've been spending less and less time working on my etsy shop just because life's been so crazy. I'm still definitely in the tutu business, but my priorities are elsewhere at the moment, so I've decided this blog should focus on what I'm up to these days.

I'm spending a lot of time working with both my General Practitioner and the Naturopathic Doctor she works with to get rid of the chronic, debilitating migraines I've been getting lately. The current working theory is that I have some muscle issue in my neck, chest and shoulders. I've been doing a lot of physical therapy and have incorporated yoga and stregth training into my routine.

As part of my quest to get into shape, I bit the bullet and registered for the Breast Cancer 3 Day. I've been thinking of doing it for years, but all the excersice I was doing felt great and being a goal oriented person I decided to set a lofty goal. I'll be walking 60 miles over the course of three days starting on September 11.

I've started fundraising already and I'm proud to say that I've already reached 10% of my funraising goal. I have a super-cool project I worked on this weekend in order to help reach my goal. I'll have more on that later, but in the meantime if you feel so inclined please visit my fundraising website at: http://www.the3day.org/goto/sharon